Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Path II

The moment of truth has come.

I’m sitting in office (19:10) and just got to know that my flight tickets have been confirmed. Yes, in 9 hours from now I will be taking off from Karachi International airport and the same day will be landing in Baltic land. Yes, I'm excided and nervous at the same time.
My visit to Lithuania is a bit unexpected, but because of that not less pleasant. As you might predict, I’m coming for very temporary visit, as after few weeks I’ll be heading back to Karachi where I’m going to prolong my “Experience Pakistan” journey.
After all discussions and reflections I finally decided that for me will be best to stay for another year in Pakistan and strengthen professional experience as business development head for CIS countries (Commonwealth of Independent States).
Looking back at my behavior, attitude, fluctuating mood, food poisoning experience and more and less pleasant interaction with local AIESEC chapters I finally can choose what is good for me and what is simply against my nature. I believe that second year of staying in Karachi will be full of new friends discovery, higher living standards and more other pleasant things (maybe traveling abroad, inshallah).
So, to summarize my short entry of today: I will be in Lithuania from 25th of September (historical date) till 11th of October. I’ll try to use this time as efficient as possible. If you are interested to see how the person looks like after almost one year staying in Pakistan – get in touch via e-mail, sms or phone call (my old phone number will be valid from 25the of Sept. afternoon).

And one more good news for my loyal blog readers: the fact that my experience in Pakistan will be continuing, you will have a chance to keep reading my progress (hopefully not regress) living in divers and full of contrasts country.
God bless you!
With love, Andrius