Hello everybody! Here I come again. This time I want to check your knowledge about Pakistan and I really hope you will contribute this small tests.
Rules are very easy: everything what you need to do is choose one of the optional answers to the given question and post your answers as a comment. For this you have one week starting from upload date (2009 01 02). After the time will estimate (2009 01 09), I will post a new entry with right answers and promise to add more detailed comments about each question. Hope this will work out : )
Facts about Pakistan: what do I know about it?
1. Quran forbids to sing
a. True
b. False
2. Women are not working in the sales
a. True
b. False
3. Traffic in Pakistan:
a. Goes on right side
b. Goes on left side
c. Goes randomly
4. All women are covering their faces while being in the public
a. True
b. False
c. Only maried women
d. Only single women
5. Weddings last:
a. 2 days
b. 3 days
c. 4 days
d. According the budget
6. Weddings are organized by parents
a. True
b. False
c. Depends
7. Most popular car brand in Pakistan is:
a. BMW
b. Suzuki
c. Toyota
d. Nissan
e. Rickshaw
f. Kyeatr (Pakistani brand)
8. All Pakistanis are potential suicide bombers
a. True
b. False
c. Only in Northern areas
9. Food is extremely spicy and hot
a. True
b. False
10. The economy of Pakistan is going to be bankrupt soon
a. True
b. False
c. If Allah wish so...
11. Karachi is famous in its region of:
a. IT sector
b. Financial institutions
c. Port
d. Mountains
12. In all Pakistan they have wireless network access
a. True
b. False
c. Only in Southern areas
13. When two men meets, they greet each other with a kiss on a chick
a. True
b. False
14. How many seasons Pakistan has:
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
15. The highest political power has:
a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Parliament
d. Policed
e. Army
f. Nation
g. Allah
16. Every family must have a son
a. True
b. False
17. The most popular sport in Pakistan is:
a. Hockey (on the loan)
b. Cricket
c. Schess
d. Rugby
18. According Islamic calendar now is:
a. 1217
b. 3011
c. 1430
d. 2009
So, I’m waiting for your answers. The person who will get the best results might expect a prize-surprise from Pakistan when I will come back : )
I expect you to be honest and play fairly: no google or wikipedia using!
P.S. if you have more information to share – challenge me…
Well ,let`s see what I know :)
1. b
2. a
3. Theoretically probably on the left side, but sometimes practically it goes randomly :)
4. c
5. d
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. a
12. c
13. a
14. b
15. a
16. a
17. b
18. c
I just cannot miss such an opportunity! check me:
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. d
6. a
7. e
8. c
9. a
10. c
11. c
12. b
13. a
14. a
15. g
16. a
17. b
18. c
p.s. if any, still, there's a tissue. you still have it, right?
in general I have no clue what are right answers, but let me at least try:):
3bc - should be on the left, but I expect that it is like in India more random:)
9b - depends for whom, for me is nothing spicy, for Lithuanians even vegeta is spicy:P
waiting for results:)
1. Quran forbids to sing
b. False
2. Women are not working in the sales
b. False
3. Traffic in Pakistan:
a. Goes on right side
4. All women are covering their faces while being in the public
c. Only maried women
5. Weddings last:
d. According the budget
6. Weddings are organized by parents
c. Depends
7. Most popular car brand in Pakistan is:
e. Rickshaw
8. All Pakistanis are potential suicide bombers
b. False
I really love this option, but I don`t want to be racist :| But it sounds greatĄ : -D >c. Only in Northern areas
9. Food is extremely spicy and hot
a. True
10. The economy of Pakistan is going to be bankrupt soon
c. If Allah wish so...
11. Karachi is famous in its region of:
a. IT sector
12. In all Pakistan they have wireless network access
b. False
13. When two men meets, they greet each other with a kiss on a chick
a. True
14. How many seasons Pakistan has:
a. One
15. The highest political power has:
a. President
16. Every family must have a son
a. True
17. The most popular sport in Pakistan is:
b. Cricket
18. According Islamic calendar now is:
c. 1430
d. 2009
4.c. (hm.. I thought they are doing this ~ since 14-16 years old, when other mens starts to notice that girl look already like women)
That was not easy. :)
Ok lets try it:
2.b (I saw Your photo with sales department before ;P)
7.I am only a woman and the blond hair ;P .. have no idea about this one ... let it be BMW :a
8. b
18.1430 c I am sure of this one! :P
Hope that my answers are not too bad.... :)
Lets go :D
1. b
Too much answer "b" in my answers. It is my problem or Mr. B made so :D
1. Quran forbids to sing
b. False
2. Women are not working in the sales
a. True
3. Traffic in Pakistan:
c. Goes randomly
4. All women are covering their faces while being in the public
b. False
5. Weddings last:
d. According the budget
6. Weddings are organized by parents
a. True
7. Most popular car brand in Pakistan is:
e. Rickshaw
f. Kyeatr (Pakistani brand)
8. All Pakistanis are potential suicide bombers
b. False
9. Food is extremely spicy and hot
a. True
10. The economy of Pakistan is going to be bankrupt soon
c. If Allah wish so...
11. Karachi is famous in its region of:
a. IT sector
12. In all Pakistan they have wireless network access
b. False
13. When two men meets, they greet each other with a kiss on a chick
a. True
14. How many seasons Pakistan has:
d. Four (in some parts)
15. The highest political power has:
a. President
g. Allah :)
16. Every family must have a son
a. True (it is prefered, but it will be as Allah wish:)
17. The most popular sport in Pakistan is:
b. Cricket
18. According Islamic calendar now is:
c. 1430 (i guess, it was something one thousand four hundres and something... so maybe thirty :)
Anyway happy birthday darling:)
I don't want to spoil your fun as i am a Pakistani and all these questions are piece of cake for me. I am studying here in Finland and have some good Lithuanian friends, though most infact all of them have returned back to Lithuania since their exchange period is over.
I have joined AIESEC here in Tampere, Finland. Its great to see that you are enjoying your time in Karachi. I have just found your blog and read all the entries, your VISA story at COPENHAGEN was interesting and scary, you are one lucky dude that the embassy has entertained you in matter of hours and TURKISH airline is so generous above all.
I hope you will enjoy your stay in Pakistan and will take some good memories with you.
Best of Luck
very very interesting answers! Must change perception of people Andrius :)
Nu bandau ir as paspelioti idomumo delei...:)
2. a
3. pagal taksi vairuotojus dubajuj, kurie visi beje is pakistano, tai sakyciau, kad traffic goes terribly, bet siaip lyg ir on the right
4. a
5. b (o ne savaite?)
6. a
7. f pagal ju biudzeta, tai vietine turetu buti..tuk tuk ten yra? tada tikrai jie butu populiariausi! :D
8. c ten kur arciau afganistano, tai girdejau, kad jie labiau linke...peshawar mieste viena karta ir musu lektuva sulaike ant zemes kelioms valandoms, nes kazkas oro uoste del bombu buvo...bet siaip aisku, kad false... visam dubajuj pastatus saugo ir valytojais, vairuotojais dirba pakistanai pagrinde.. negasdink su tokiais klausimais cia, bijosiu su taksi vaziuoti paskui...;)
9. va cia kaip palyginsi, man asmeniskai atrodo, kad false, nes man ju maistas nera astrus. Sako, kad is to regiono, sri lankos maistas yra astriausias, o man kiek bandziau jis buvo kaip tik!
10. false... bet tas atsakymas su Allah, imponuoja man atsizvegiant i ju mastyma
11. tikriausiai labiausiai del port(bent taip apsauginis man savo miesta apibudino), bet tuo paciu jis ir finansinis yra labiausiai is viso pakistano ar ne?turetu ir tada IT ten daugiausia buti...
12. false
13. true man atrodo, tik tada nezinau kiek kartu... nes turkijoj vyrai buciuojas du kartus, lebanon tris...
14. two... turetu buti kaip dubajuj..
15. lyg ir president.... pernai gi kiek problemu ten buvo su tuo mushraff ar kuo tokiu... ar jis premjeras buvo.. nzn.
16. false ko gero... bet tikiu, kad jie labai stengias, kad taip butu...
17. Cricketttttttttttttttt... ta tikrai zinau!
18. arba a arba c variantas... nes skaiciuoja nuo muhamedo ar ne? o jis po kristaus buvo 600 kazkiek metu veliau...bet visose musulmonu salyse vistiek dabar 2009, tik bent jau egipte jie veliau ateina, kiek pamenu is drauges...
isivaziavau ir baiges klausimai... idomu man kokie teisingi atsakymai... o beje, ar tavo regione yra populiariausia ta stipri arbata su pienu ir kardamonu? nes cia ja visi geria labai, ir man vienintelis dalykas ji patinka is pakistano virtuves :) ir tau asmeniskai vienas klausimas dar: ar zinai, kiek uztrunka skrydis nuo karachi iki dubai? teisingas atsakymas: tik 1.5 val! skridau... zinau...(cia tau uzuomina, kad labai lauksiu aplankant!)
Thank you for your contribution! Was really interesting to read your answers. Some of them made me smile (it only proves that I was right about your lack of awareness about this country).
I know that I'm late with the answers, but somehow I can not manage my time properly (getting into pakistani culture). By the end of this week I promise you will find my answers : )
Who is going to be winner?
Alright. Lets take this challenge.
Answers do not pretend to be right though, OK?
This is "My" Pakistan
1 - a. not sure, but seems so. people like to sing in this country, its the main attribute of almost every wedding
2 - b. false. even if i didn't meet any sales women myself, i suppose its not true :)
3 - b & c - equally :-)
4 - b. even if its might be difficult to believe in this
5 - starting from 4 days and then - according to budget :)
6 - ceremony - yes, but actually finding a wife/husband - not necessarily
7 - Toyota i guess, however Suzuki and Honda (which was missed in the list!!!) are also the candidates :)
8 - false, but sadly not-educated people can be
9 - true. but sweets are soo tasty!!!
10 - b (InshAllah)
11 - b. ? will be good to know :)
12 - yeah, but just 10% use it
13 - b, hahaha! yet, i saw a man sleeping on his friend's knees and was called friendship, so men are good friends here
14 - d on paper, but in reality - 2: summer and cold summer :)
15 - a, if he has support of e
16 - b
17 - d, eeeeasy :)
18 - 1430? hahaha, no idea!
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