As in any big city around the world you can find everything starting from poverty and finishing with amazing luxury! Karachi, the biggest city in Pakistan is not an exception.
Pakistan, as a country exists only ~60 years. In such short time of period Pakistan managed to gain reputation of suicide bombers, terrorist, Islamic fanatics and etc. I heard that in New York City they have more crime acts per day when anywhere else in the world… However today I’m going to leave aggressive topic aside and introduce you with the greatest pleasure in the world which is valued by all nations and in all historical times. Because of all kind of spices, fruits, seeds and other products we had wars and colonies appeared in different continents.
It is quite difficult to understand while being in your home country, that simple rules, behavior or attitude can not be applied here. For example, there are people who always take care of hygiene. Unless you will be eating all the time in the most expensive restaurants, you won’t get a fork and knife in casual street restaurant (a simple place for eating traditional dishes) – everything is eatable with your own hands and usually from the same plate. It is amazing how people still alive. The places where I’m going for lunch during my office time would not be even allowed to start business because of not existing hygiene. 6 months have past and I’m still alive and actually feel just great.
There are few types of restaurants (here I use word ‘restaurant’ as a word describing place for eating). First type is restaurants, expensive ones where you can feel like at home (or even better). In Lithuania sometimes is quite problematic to call waitress to be served or to give order, differently from Pakistan, where each table gets at least three people serving you. Sometime it gets annoying, but I believe that after one year I’ll be missing that back at home (despite that I’m not going to such restaurants too often). In these restaurants you can get any kind of food: traditional stakes, pastas, Chinese food, spicy and regular dishes, snacks, drinks (non-alcoholic), deserts and etc. Everything is served perfectly fine on white tablecloth, with A/C and etc.
The third type of restaurants I wanted to introduce you with is with the lowest quality in terms of service and hygiene. I’m not proud to say that I’m going everyday to one of these restaurants to have my lunch. The best they can offer is a traditional dish for really cheep price. Usually there are one or two guys serving tables. What is the most amazing for me is that they don’t need to write down your order – they always remember what and how much you ate.
Imagine a guy with very oily and dirty shalwar kameez, caring one rag with which he cleans all sh*t from the table (most probably all day long). With the same hand bring you a plate with your ordered food, taking with bred with hands and giving to you and etc. People are throwing cigarettes, small papers or any other useless stuff right on the floor or under the table (and its stays there till the end of the day). Homeless cats with broken tale or leg are common view as well. If you have a good mood today, you can throw a piece of chicken for poor animal.
In such places you will never see women. As once my colleague from office said: “they most probably would forget eating and keep staring at me”. I think she is right. In these restaurants are coming people from lower class, workers and etc.
Depending how strongly you want to feel Pakistan culture you can choose your lunch/dinner place.
Bone appetite!
dekuj uz dar viena straipsneli. :) Skaitydama visada bent pusvalandziui pasijuntu pakistane. :)
Rasau tik del skaitytoju... : )
oh, my that meat over there is so disgusting, I won`t eat meat a least few hours :P
Yeah, sometimes better not to know what you eating : )
Nice : -) As dabar valgyt uzsimaniau... :\
Vyteni, you are very welcome to Pakistan - eat as much as you want (for reasonable price of caurse!) : )
Update update update : -)) Jei nezinai apie ka, gali papasakot apie vietines panas, vietinius tusus, orus dabartinius (Lt lietus..). Kaip siaip dar darbas gali papasakot po laiko praejusio? Kas pasikeite, patirtis kokia, etc:P
JO! As jau ir noreciau naujo pranesimo... as dabar kaip tik rasau referata tarptautines komunijacijos tema.. zadu rasyt apie rumunija, bet butu idomu is taves isgirst apie: kaip hierarchija imoneje atrodo, kaip priimami sprendimai, kokia imones kultura, kaip tave prieme, kaip jie reiskia kritika ir ar tu gali ka nors kritikuot, ar darbe priimata sneket apie seima ar tik dalykiski santykiai, to do's ir not to do's.... :) pasakok pasakok.. :)
What you noticed here is common in Tunisia too. Sorry if I repeat the same country too often but I guess you would understand me :)
I don't remember if I've told you a short story of my first cultural shock talking about food :) I'll try to put this in a nutshell.First night going from the airport to place where I suppose to live the car driver stopped and I woke up after having a nap.What I saw in front:hanging dead sheep without pelt (? skin) just on the way of road, some flies flying around this 'fresh' meat, some alive sheep walking around, one man cutting small parts of the sheep meat, another cooking, moreover outside was very hot (for me I mean).So driver ordered for us some parts of this meat cooked outside, waiter offered it with bread on the plastic table which was close to the road, and of course needed to eat by hands..then I needed to get over myself :) this I'll never forget :)
Of course we shouldn't think if someone checked this meat by hygienic requirements or did some tests, or how long this dead sheep was hanging there just on the road outside when ~40 degrees up.Ehh.. but I was still alive :)
I'm reading your comment and feel like I'm walking on Boat Basin which is famous food street in Karachi : )
We don't have sheeps here (or at least I haven't seen them hanging upside down). Chicken is dominating. I had so many chicken and in so many different dishes... OMG. I want cepelinai : )
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