Sunday, September 28, 2008

Experience Pakistan

Well well well... Who could ever believe that the guy like me will decide to go for one year in Pakistan?! It is simply not my style. But I was simply impressed by the job descriptions which AIESEC Pakistan offers for AIESEC network. Culture? Yes - Pakistan culture should be fascinating. As I'm going to live and work for one year in abroad, so why not to combine two most import things: a great and challenging job role/responsibilities and totally new living culture.
People who get to know that I'm living to Pakistan comes up with the same reaction and question: Pakistan?! Why? I have a simple answer to that: Why not? Everything what we know about countries with ending [...]stan (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and etc.) is that living there is under danger for your life. Maybe. Who knows... But nobody is ensured that you will not be smashed by random car on the street. So I'm going by myself to Pakistan and find out how it is like.
Another reason to go to Pakistan was to challenge and prove to myself that I can. I want to prove to myself and to other people I can be different and have fun in a country where is strong religion Muslim, strict and hardly understandable laws (at least for europeans), spicy food, different style of music and many other things.
Of course it is not easy to refuse everything to what I'm used here in Lithuania. But when I think about the upcoming internship, I think like a long term project which last one year. In this project I will make sure that my skills and knowledge which I have and developed will help to company to expand their business, bring and implement new products and long term strategies. At the same time I will be open for new ideas, I'll try to adapt to the new business and communication culture. I will be like a sponge which sucks in everything around.

Money and salary - not important at all.
Girls, random sex and alcohol - can wait for 12 months.
New language and lots of international people - I want it now and all the time.
Uncomfortable situations, misunderstandings and stress - come and challenge me!

I hope that after this internship I will finally settle down, overcome my complexes, fears, clarify goals of my life and... simple keep being who I am.

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